Mental Wellness in Colorado’s Music Community

To support a healthy music community, The Hall’s Keep The Beat program provides financial assistance for mental health and addiction counseling to eligible Colorado musicians, industry professionals and gig workers, while also raising awareness, sharing resources and de-stigmatizing the conversation around mental health and addiction within the music industry. With mental health issues and addiction dependence soaring across the globe, the music industry has certainly not been immune.

After the pandemic shut down our music industry for a previously unimaginable amount of time, Colorado Music Hall of Fame adopted a new mission that includes supporting our local musicians, gig workers, stagehands and industry personnel. Keep The Beat, a mental wellness initiative, was born to raise awareness about mental wellness and share free and low-cost resources with Colorado’s music industry.

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Did you know…

Of musicians and industry workers surveyed by MusicCares in 2021:

56 percent felt moderately high to very high levels of anxiety most days

20 percent experienced moderate to severe levels of depression

38 percent couldn’t afford therapy and therefore did not get treatment

(Wellness in Music Survey conducted by the Recording Academy’s charitable arm, MusiCares)

How does Colorado rank in mental wellness?


The worst of all states for appropriate access to care for adults suffering from mental health, substance abuse and suicidal ideation.

(State of Mental Health in America, 2022)


Highest suicide mortality rate in the country

(Centers for Disease Control, 2020)


Higher than the national average of adults reporting drug and alcohol use disorders

(SAMHSA, 2019)

If you need help, click below for resources

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